Why Obstructive Sleep Apnea Is Dangerous & 4 Treatment Options That May Help
Obstructive sleep apnea is a potentially life-threatening condition, so it’s important to seek treatment for it. Research has found that there are connections between sleep apnea and what is called allostatic load. Allostatic load is when your body goes through too much allostasis, which is how your body tries to regain a balance in the neurobiological and physiologic systems when affected by stressors, both internally and externally. An example of allostasis in sleep apnea is when your heart rate increases when you stop breathing momentarily, which may explain why those who have sleep apnea are more prone to developing cardiovascular diseases due to the allostatic load.…
Read More »How In-Home Senior Care Helps Your Scientist Father With Alzheimer's
At one point in your life, your scientist father was the smartest and most together person you’ve ever known. However, Alzheimer’s has slowly robbed him of the ability to take care of himself. Thankfully, in-home senior care can help him stay as independent as possible and avoid serious issues. Alzheimer’s Affects Many Aspects Alzheimer’s will slowly rob a person’s ability to handle their day-to-day life in ways that can be slow-moving but insidious.…
Read More »3 Things To Know About Macular Degeneration
Have you noticed that, when you stare at straight lines, they appear to be wavy? If you are also suffering from blurred vision that seems to be getting worse, you might need to make an appointment to get your eyes examined by an optometrist. It is possible that you are suffering from a condition that is known as macular degeneration. The condition is unable to be cured, but there are ways to reduce the symptoms of it.…
Read More »What You Need To Know About Getting A Tummy Tuck
Getting a tummy tuck is a great way to get the body that you wanted in a way that is safe and effective. If you are considering getting a tummy tuck there are a couple things that you should know. Here are some answers to some commonly asked questions. 1. Who Benefits From A Tummy Tuck? There are many people who would benefit from getting this surgery. As a general rule you should already be in good health and be very close to your goal weight before you get it.…
Read More »2 Tips To Help Soothe Inflamed Skin After Mohs Surgery
Having to undergo any type of surgical procedure can make you feel uneasy and overwhelmed. However, when dealing with Mohs surgery, these feelings can be even more extreme. Mohs surgery is usually recommended for skin cancers that are aggressive and are more likely to reoccur. The procedure involves removing layers of skin until all of the cancerous cells have been removed. This process is extremely intensive and can leave your skin feeling inflamed immediately after the surgery.…
Read More »How Your Menstrual Cycle Can Affect The Pain You Experience During A Mammogram
If you have ever had a mammogram, you probably understand what to expect when it comes to pain and discomfort. While mammograms can be uncomfortable and slightly painful, there are things you can do to decrease the pain you feel. One of the ways is by scheduling your mammogram during the right time of your menstrual cycle. How does your cycle affect your breasts? Your breasts can change throughout the month, and these changes are often correlated with your cycle.…
Read More »Diabetic Foot Care: Protecting Your Health
If you suffer from diabetes, taking excellent care of your feet is essential. Since a foot infection can easily get out of control, you have to take daily steps to maintain your foot health. Following a few simple guidelines can keep your feet healthy and head off more serious problems. Daily Examination If you cannot see the tops and bottoms of your feet, you need to enlist someone to help you.…
Read More »3 Types Of Allergy Treatments
If you suffer from allergies, you know just how debilitating this can be for your daily comfort. Dealing with many of the unwanted symptoms that accompany this condition can simply make your life miserable. It is ideal to learn of effective ways to treat your allergies to help you enjoy more days full of joy, rather than pain. Over-the-counter medications There are effective allergy medications that can be purchased at your local drugstore for a low cost.…
Read More »How To Pre-Arrange Your Own Funeral
Pre-arranging your own funeral gives you the opportunity to have a funeral and burial the way you want it to be. You can make it as lavish as you can afford, or you can make it as simple as your tastes dictate. You can also make your death and subsequent burial as easy as possible on your loved ones at a time when they can be deeply mourning your loss – especially if your demise happens suddenly and without warning.…
Read More »Two Breast Augmentation Myths
There are many reasons why a woman may feel uncomfortable with her appearance, but due to societal pressures or disease, breasts size is often a major concern for some women. Luckily, breast augmentation surgery makes it possible for you to improve your confidence and appearance. Sadly, there are many pervasive myths about this procedure, and in particular, there are two misconceptions about breast augmentations that you should pay no mind. …
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