What To Know About Breast Augmentation
If you want to increase your breast size soon but don't know where to turn, ask a specialist about breast augmentation surgery. Breast augmentation surgery uses different methods to increase the size and volume of your breasts. Your breasts look and feel fuller, firmer, and larger. Learn more about breast augmentation surgery and if it's right for you below.
What Does Breast Augmentation Mean?
Augmentation means to increase or make something larger than it looks or feels. Doctors use breast augmentation to increase the size of your breasts. The surgery requires a doctor to insert special implants just behind your breasts or under your chest wall. Your breasts immediately look larger and fuller after the surgeries. Breast implants generally come with two types of fillings: saline or silicone. Saline-filled implants generally contain a solution of salt and sterile water. Silicone-filled implants contain a jelly-like substance, or gel, inside them. The gel tends to be softer and more pliable than saline. Gel implants also tend to feel more natural to women over time. Women may also choose an alternative implant for their breast augmentation surgery. The implant contains soy or another alternative material. Alternative breast implants are fairly new in cosmetic surgery. If you wish to learn more about alternative breast implants, speak to a specialist immediately.
What Breast Augmentation Surgery Works for You?
Before a doctor augments your breasts, they'll need to do a few crucial things first. A doctor will need to examine your breasts for anything that may hinder the surgery, such as broken skin or lumps. Your breasts should be healthy enough to withstand the surgery as well as the recovery period after it. If you have problems with your breasts, a doctor will recommend you obtain treatment for them before you consider breast surgery. In addition, a doctor will consider your current breast size before they offer surgery. Breasts implants work best for women with small breasts, asymmetrical breasts, or drooping breasts. Implants should make your breasts appear natural with or without clothing. A specialist will go over the different types of implants and help you select the implants that work best for you. If you desire a more natural look or feel, choose silicone implants. If you want to increase the volume in your breasts, choose saline. A doctor can use before and after pictures to show you what your breasts may or may not look like after surgery.
For more details on how to augment your breasts, consult a breast augmentation specialist today.