Is Your Partner Struggling To Accept Dementia Care? How To Get Them the Help They Need
If your partner has been diagnosed with dementia, but they're struggling to accept dementia care, it's time to take action. Dementia care can help your partner cope with changes that will take place. However, before you can get your partner the help they need, it's important for them to accept help. If you don't know how to help your partner, read the information provided below. You'll find four tips to help you prepare your partner for dementia care.
Start Making Plans Early
If your partner is experiencing the early signs of dementia, now's the time to start making plans for the future. This is especially important if your partner still has control of their memories. Preparing right now will allow your partner to participate in the plans. This can be beneficial, especially where dementia care is concerned. If your partner knows that they're involved in the plans, they may be more willing to accept dementia care when it becomes necessary.
Encourage Independence
If your partner is struggling with their need for dementia care, they may be worried about their loss of independence. If that's the case, you'll need to help them overcome that concern. One way to do that is to find ways to encourage independence. First, allow them to control daily tasks that they're still able to conduct. Second, set up simple reminders so that your partner can take care of their own medical appointments. Finally, talk to their doctor about other ways you can encourage independent living for your partner.
Spend Time Together
If your partner is concerned about how their dementia diagnosis will affect your relationship, find time to spend together. Your partner may be worried that dementia care is a sign that the relationship they share with you may suffer. As a result, they may struggle to accept the help that they need. The best way to help your partner is to plan outings that will help to promote a healthy and loving relationship. You can use these outings as a way to improve their independence by allowing your partner to assist with the planning.
Bring in Additional Assistance
Finally, if your partner is in the beginning stages of dementia, but they're not ready for full-time dementia care, start slow. Begin by bringing in additional assistance on a part-time basis. As your partner's needs change, you can increase the level of assistance they receive. However, starting early will allow your partner to gain a trusting relationship with their memory care providers.