4 Signs That You Might Need A Different Hearing Aid Model
Hearing aids aren’t known for being cheap, and if you have one to help with your hearing, you probably want to use it for as long as possible without replacing it. However, there are some situations in which it’s simply a better idea to invest in a new hearing aid rather than continuing to use one that isn’t right for you. These are a few signs that it might be time to talk to your hearing doctor about a new hearing aid.…
Read More »Pain In The Arch? You Could Have An Accessory Navicular Bone
If you suffer from pain in the arch of your foot, especially following exercise, you could have what’s known as accessory navicular syndrome. Read on to learn more about this uncommon but treatable condition. What Is an Accessory Navicular Bone? An accessory navicular bone (AKA os tibial externum) is an extra bony protuberance on the inside of the foot below the ankle near the arch. It can be an overgrowth of the navicular bone itself or a small separate bone on top of the navicular separated by a layer of tissue.…
Read More »3 Types Of Allergy Treatments
If you suffer from allergies, you know just how debilitating this can be for your daily comfort. Dealing with many of the unwanted symptoms that accompany this condition can simply make your life miserable. It is ideal to learn of effective ways to treat your allergies to help you enjoy more days full of joy, rather than pain. Over-the-counter medications There are effective allergy medications that can be purchased at your local drugstore for a low cost.…
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