The Trouble With Kidney Stones: How To Get Relief From The Pain
Are you experiencing sharp pain in your abdomen? If the pain hasn't subsided and you're also experiencing pain while urinating, there is a possibility you're suffering from kidney stones. Kidney stones develop in the kidneys and are caused by a shift in the amount of salts and minerals you're producing. If you're suddenly producing an excessive amount of substances that cause crystals to form, those crystals could start sticking together, thus causing a kidney stone to develop.
How to Know For Sure
The best way to find out if you're dealing with kidney stones is to talk to your physician about the symptoms you've been experiencing and have a pelvic ultrasound performed. The ultrasound is convenient because it allows the physician to see inside of the stomach to determine if kidney stones are present. The physician would be able to determine the exact size of the kidney stones.
How to Treat the Problem
Treatment for kidney stones varies tremendously. If the physician believes the stones are small enough for you to pass on your own, he or she may recommend you drink as much water as possible to flush out your system and eventually get rid of the stones. Pain medication may be prescribed to help you get through this process with the least amount of pain as possible.
In some instances, the kidney stone becomes a bit too large for a person to pass on their own. Trying to pass a large kidney stone can cause excruciating pain. If you're dealing with a kidney stone that is much larger than the average kidney stone, it may be necessary to have a surgery performed. A ureteroscopy may be performed by the physician, allowing him or her to access and remove the kidney stone via a long, thin tube.
How to Prevent Kidney Stones
After going through such an experience, you probably want to make sure you never have to deal with kidney stones again. There are a few different things you can do each day to prevent those kidney stones from forming, which would include watching your sodium intake, drinking plenty of water each day, and even eating less meat.
Kidney stones are often painful to deal with. If you think you have kidney stones, see a physician, such as at EVDI Medical Imaging, as soon as possible. The physician can perform a pelvic ultrasound to find out if these stones have developed. Once you know for sure, you may need to give the stones some time to pass on their own or undergo a medical procedure to have them removed.