3 Tips For Helping Your Teen Survive Acne
If you are the parent of a teenager, regardless of gender, you have probably experienced your teen expressing angst over the fact that he or she has pimples. Some teens are lucky and only get pimples once in a while. Other teens are not so lucky and their pubescent bodies produce a constellation of acne on their face and back. This can be hard for a teen who feels as though everyone is looking at him or her. Here are some tips for helping your teen survive acne.
1. Get Your Teen the Products He or She Needs
If you managed to escape having acne as a teen, you might not know what types of products you need to purchase to help him or her combat his or her own acne. To help your teen combat his or her acne, make sure that he or she has access to a body wash that contains benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, a face scrub that has exfoliating properties and that contains one of the previously mentioned ingredients, and a loofah so that your child can exfoliate his or her body. Purchasing these products before your teen asks for them shows that you care and are paying attention. Try not to make a huge deal about the products, however, and how they are specifically for acne because your teen is already embarrassed about his or her acne and doesn't want to feel as though you are looking at it.
2. Be Patient
Wait between one and two months of your child using these products before you escalate care. Changing a face regimen takes a great deal of time for results to show and you don't want to halt a current treatment that might be working. Give it time to see if it works.
3. Approach the Subject of a Dermatologist Gently
Say that you're going to the dermatologist and ask your teen if he or she would like an appointment. You don't want your teen to feel like the only thing that you value is his or her looks, but you also want your teen to know that you are willing to help him or her get the care that he or she needs. If your teen doesn't seem to notice his or her acne, it might be best to simply allow him or her to continue what he or she is doing. However, if he or she is having problems and is feeling bad about it, make the offer.
For more information, talk to a company that specializes in dermatology like Scott Callahan MD.