Some Helpful Tips For Determining Food Intolerances
Many people complain of constant stomachaches. They may feel like everything that they eat makes them sick. This is not uncommon if you have an allergy to a certain food or if you are intolerant or sensitive to the food. It may be hard to determine what food(s) are causing it, so here are a couple tips.
1. Eliminate the Major 8 Foods First
There are 8 foods that are the most common for causing food allergies and intolerances. They are wheat, dairy, soy, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish. If you are having problems with your digestive system, the first thing you need to do is eliminate all of these 8 foods at once. This is because the foods can interact with each other. So even if you went off dairy, there might be small traces of wheat, that interact with dairy, that still bother you. Thus, if you want to determine which food is the culprit for hurting your stomach, you need to take away all the foods at once and for a good amount of time, about 2 weeks.
After the allotted time has passed so that you can be sure that you have really cleared your system, you can slowly start adding back in certain foods, one at a time. It is very important that you do each food by itself so that you can really determine what is causing it.
2. Keep A Food Journal
A food journal can be one of the most helpful things for determining patterns in your body and how it reacts to certain types of foods. Consequently, you should start in the morning and write down everything that you eat, even simple snacks and small traces of food. If you have a severe allergy, such as celiac disease, even the smallest traces of gluten can harm your system. This is why you shouldn't leave anything out, since you don't know what could be causing it.
In your food journal, you should include how you felt after each meal, during the night, and if or when you have an allergic reaction or a stomachache, even acne and eczema. You will be amazed to see the relationships that you will find between the food that you eat and how your body responds.
If you suspect any kind of food allergy or intolerance, it is important that you go to a medical professional to get tested and get treatment. You can harm your system if you ignore the problem.
To speak to a professional about food allergies, contact a doctor such as Bouboulis Denis A.